Weekend Links Unclogged
- The real Turing test: learning to say sorry.
- Brown apologises for 'appalling' treatment of Turing
- Read This If You Hate Meetings
- Better world: Take Friday off… forever – I seem to recall that the American worker's productivity has doubled since the 1940s; maybe we could reduce the work week to 20 hours....
- Single Vaccine Dose, Even One from 1976, Could Protect against the H1N1 Swine Flu
- Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D – No excuse for not getting vaccinated, but very interesting.
- Vitamin D Deficiency May Increase Risk Of Colds, Flu – Again, no excuse for avoiding vaccination, but very interesting.
- NO Good: Nitric Oxide May Be Key to Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance
- 13 more things that don't make sense.
- Igniting Fusion
- Scanning Dead Salmon in fMRI Machine Highlights Risk of Red Herrings – If only it’d been a dead parrot.
- Icy stares and dirty minds: Hitch-hiking emotions.
- Brain science to help teachers get into kids' heads.
- Why Smart People Do Stupid Things
- First Drug Shown to Extend Life Span in Mammals
- Can Aging Be Solved?
- July 16, 1867: Concrete Gets Some Positive Reinforcement
- Mysterious, Glowing Clouds Appear Across America’s Night Skies
- Rethinking the bee's waggle dance.
- Moth Blocks Bat Attack by Jamming Sonar
- Rare plant worthy of Endangered Species Act protection--But won't get it.
- Spy Satellite Sea Ice Images Finally Made Public
- Potential Neuropoison Could Be in Our Food
- Obama, Farm Industry Clash Over Antibiotics
- 8-Story Antigravity Forest Facade Takes Root
- Time Magazine: The liberal bias of facts. – Thanks to Jay Lake.
- How Did Economists Get It So Wrong?
- The Top 5 Lies About Obama's Health Care Reform
- The burden of debt.
- Why markets can’t cure healthcare.
- The Swiss Menace
- Better world: Legalise drugs
- Senate Votes to Stop Stealth Jets, Continue Pentagon Overhaul
- NSA surveillance program too secret for its own good.
- FBI compounds mystery with secret justification of gag order.
- US rogue nuke detection upgrades not worth the cost.
- Secrets, Leaks, and Outright Lies
- How to Stack a Rocket – The Ares I-X test vehicle takes shape, even as the program faces funding disaster.
- ATK test fires Ares 1 five-segment booster.
- Augustine appears before Congress about space review.
- Augustine panel presents five manned space options.
- ULA claim gap reducing solution via EELV exploration master plan – They might be proposing a great plan, but, on the other hand, when have our aerospace contractors ever tried not to steer billions of taxpayer dollars into their coffers?
- Tentative Signs of Water Found on Moon
- How to Land Safely Back on the Moon – Thanks to Jay Lake.
- Back from the Moon, Apollo Astronauts Had to Go Through Customs
- Historic Apollo landing sites imaged by new lunar orbiter.
- NASA reacquires original Moon landing footage.
- NASA High Definition Video: Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video.
- Mars, methane and mysteries.
- Cracks on Mars hint at dried-up lakes.
- Too much radiation for astronauts to make it to Mars – Not exactly new information, but it bears repeating.
- Rare meteorite found by 'fireball' observatory.
- "Green" propellant could give rockets--and the environment--a boost. – Aluminum and ice. Very nice.
- Armadillo Aerospace qualifies to win Lunar Lander Challenge level 2 – Congratulations!
- Students snap images of Earth from space for $150.
- Timeless Tom Baker Makes Return Trip to Doctor Who
Jeez, there is so much here to research it will take a month to get through it all, although the lithium story was my first pick. Spread it out, man.