Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Screech Owl Cam' Status

A fox squirrel moved into the nest box at 6:48 PM, Tuesday. Undoubtably, it wanted a nest that could keep it out of the rain that has recently been lavished upon us by passing thunderstorms. Very sensible. Of course, that meant I had to evict my fur-bearing friend as soon as I arrived home. That's done now.

The whole process of bringing down the nest box, opening it up to remove the squirrel, cleaning the camera compartment window, removing the starling nest materials, closing the box, hoisting it up into its bracket, rolling-up all of the cables, putting away my gear, etc. was carefully monitored by a screech owl sitting on one of the lower branches of a neighboring tree. I presume it was the male, since he probably has a more proprietary interest in the nest site than his mate at this point in time, when nesting has yet to begin. Those concerned that the squirrel's presence this evening may have put-off the owls, should have nothing to worry about.

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